Welcome to my weight loss journey! I decided to lose 100 pounds in 2015. I have started several diets, but this time I want to journal my way to success! You can also watch videos of my journey on Facebook. I hope that you will take part in creating a healthier lifestyle too!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Jan. 8 - Flat Abs Walk - Full Length 40 Minute Walking Workout

I'm so excited about the coming of 2015!  For the first time in life, I want to focus on ELLA in a healthy way, a more relaxed, smarter way than ever before! This is the start of a new year and a new way of life for me. I have so much energy and I can just feel the opportunities coming my way.  While I'm ready to go out and live my life in living color, I also want to go inside myself with mediation to find my inner voice.  Right now, that voice is telling me to make this year explosive, and fun, and sexy!  I need to find my way back the ELLA!

I want to lose the weight, but more importantly I want to just enjoy life, seek out new things that give me joy and to start back going out more. I use to be THAT party girl!  I have faith that LIFE is going to bring me all that I need and I'm going after all that I desire. If you are reading this blog, I so need you to come along with me for this adventure!

During this journey I want to look at my old habits of eating and how I treat my own self.  I'm looking at everything in my life that needs revising!  The old habits, beliefs and self-doubt has to go, so I can make room for more love, adventures and inner peace.  I hope that you will leave comments on my posts and share your journey too!

I'm only 5 feet 5 inches and I weigh a disturbing 240 pounds. This is stressful for me to deal with right now. I use to be so slim as a younger person, but the Crohn's Disease and steroids changed all of that.  I think the biggest factor in all of this weight gain was moving to Maryland and starting a computer based business!  I'm sitting behind a desk or in my bed sometimes 18 hours per day working for my company EDC Creations.  I'm also snacking during that time. 

Some of my weight gain has come from emotional eating too!  The stress of running my own company and trying to earn enough money, sometimes causes worry and self-doubt. This entire blog journey is to correct all of my destructive eating habits from the last 7 years.  I hope you will continue down this path with me!

I found a even better video to use for exercise in the house.  My stomach is huge and I want it gone!  I love this video because it's geared toward losing the mass around your core and stomach areas.  When I become a little more comfortable with letting people see my body and me exercising, I will post videos of me using this video from Youtube. I hope that you will find it useful too!


WATER:  I'm drinking more and more water each day.  My goal is to build up to a gallon per day. Right now I'm only able to drink about 4-5 bottles per day.

8:40 -  16 oz green smoothie drink and 4 mini rice cakes; grapes and bottled water.

10: 45 -
2 tablespoons of peanut butter and gluten free tortilla chips. Lemon tea.

1:45 - chopped chicken with stop light peppers and lots of onions; sliced tomatoes and avocado; 8 pita chips; 3 gherkin pickles; bottle of water.  The chicken looks like a Philly steak and cheese without the bread or the steak...LOL

3:40 - 1 small yellow apple and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter;  green tea with honey

7: 40 -  chicken kabobs with loads of peppers and onions. I also had a small salad with mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese, cauliflower and avocado. Here is the photo, from the web, I used to make my own kabobs. I used a marinade on the chicken and grilled it all on top of the stove.



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